The Construction Business Management program prepares students to enter the field of construction where they will apply skills learned such as estimation of costs, planning outlines for work sites and managing quality of work.
Upon graduating from this program, students may apply for jobs as a general contractor in specific fields with prior experience such as construction general contractor, bricklaying and masonry contractor , supervisor carpentry and more.
Students who successfully complete the course, may apply for the RBQ (Régie du bâtiment du Québec) license and will be exempt from RBQ exam. This program prepares you to go into business for yourself.
Construction Business Management (AVS)
- This program is offered in a hybrid format
- All exams are done at the centre
- At the teacher’s request some activities could be done on-site.
- Students must have a laptop/PC equipped with Windows 10
- The first 4 days of the day program will be IN-PERSON at the centre
Registration Information
- You may apply online at AdmissionFP however you must come in person to register
- If you do not have a Quebec Permanent Code, you can get a temporary code here
- You must bring ALL ORIGINAL documents to the Centre to be officially registered
Required Documents for Registration
- Birth certificate, long version with your parents’ names on it
- High school diploma or transcript
- Medicare card or driver’s license
- Birth certificate, long version with your parents’ names on it
- 3 consecutive years of notice of assessment tax forms or municipal tax forms (proving you have lived in Quebec for 3+ years)
- High school diploma AND transcript
- Medicare card or driver’s license
- Canadian citizen card/certificate or PR card
- CSQ (certificat de selection du Quebec) or 3 consecutive years of notice of assessment tax forms or municipal tax forms (proving you have lived in Quebec for 3+ years)
- High school diploma or proof equivalencies
- Medicare card or driver’s license
- Refugee claimant document
- CSQ (certificat de selection du Quebec) with an R8 code
- Study permit
- High school diploma or proof equivalencies
- Medicare card or driver’s license
Registration office is open Monday to Friday from 8am to 3pm
60, Lahaie Street
Laval (Qc) H7G 3A8
450-680-3032 Ext.4100
No admission conditions required for this program of study.