The program prepares students to become school Daycare Educators whose primary responsibilities include organizing, planning, and implementing a range of activities. These activities are designed to promote the overall development of preschool and elementary school children, aligning with the educational goals of the school.
Upon graduation, students can apply to work in schools as a Daycare Educator and/or school attendant.
There is a high demand in both the public and private sector for qualified personnel to work with school aged children in order to supervise, animate activities and provide overall care for children.
School Daycare Educator / Skills Training Certificate (STC)
Code 4732/ 390 Hours / 12 months
- This program is offered in a hybrid format
- All exams are done at the centre
- Saturday classes are in person only and weeknight classes are online
- Students must have a laptop/PC equipped with Windows 10. MAC is not permitted
Registration Information
Required documents for Registration
- Birth certificate, long version with your parents’ names on it
- High school diploma or transcript
- Medicare card or driver’s license
- Birth certificate, long version with your parents’ names on it
- 3 consecutive years of notice of assessment tax forms or municipal tax forms (proving you have lived in Quebec for 3+ years)
- High school diploma AND transcript
- Medicare card or driver’s license
- Canadian citizen card/certificate or PR card
- CSQ (certificat de selection du Quebec) or 3 consecutive years of notice of assessment tax forms or municipal tax forms (proving you have lived in Quebec for 3+ years)
- High school diploma or proof equivalencies
- Medicare card or driver’s license
- Refugee claimant document
- CSQ (certificat de selection du Quebec) with an R8 code
- Study permit
- High school diploma or proof equivalencies
- Medicare card or driver’s license
Registration office is open Monday to Friday from 8am to 3pm
60, Lahaie Street
Laval (Qc) H7G 3A8
450-680-3032 ext.4100
Must be 18 years of age at registration
Hold a Secondary School Diploma (SSD) or its equivalent